knocklyon any info?


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Knocklyon,Rathfarnham,and Ballinteer any info for people buying in the area.

Hi there,

Me and Mrs Sully are thinking of buying in these areas and have approx 450k to spend on a 3/ 4 bed house and are just wondering what peoples opinions of the areas are. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the areas.

So far for our money we think we can get good value in Knocklyon, and the area looks very nice when we drove around there However i have some reservations about nearby facilities or lackof?

Which of these areas has the best access to town and what's the commute like?

Any areas to avoid and if so where? I have seen a few halting sites in the Rathfarnham area are these very problematic areas? Any other things i should consider.
I have lived in my family home in knocklyon for the past 16 yrs and am just about to buy my own house and unfortunately not able to stay in the area because of busget. I live in the lower end of the knocklyon road near teh Firhouse road and I love it. Being at this end of Knocklyon I have access to teh 15, 15B,75,49 and 65 bus routes all within a 10 min walk (15,49 and 75 within a 3 min walk). I don't use the bus for work but I hear that teh routes are a lot quicker than they were 4-5 yrs ago.

Withina 5/10 min drive there is a Superquinn and Tesco shopping centre both with other little shops in the centre. Templeogue village is near and has a couple of nice restauuranta and a pub, there is also bushy and Marley park not too far a way. The schools are good in the area and there are lots of activities in teh Knocklyon community centre for adults and children.

There is a halting site on teh Firhouse road near my house and we lived there before it was biult and must admit we objected to its location, however, I can safely say we have had no problems since this site was built and have not heard of anyone complain about it in our estate.

I would definately recommend the are and am only sorry that I can not afford to purchase there myself.
Thanks for that, that is very helpful. Its great to see that there is so many buses servicing this area.

We did spend some time driving around the area and it does look very nice to us.
Not being from dublin and having only moved up from the sticks recently, means that we are basing a lot of our opinions on how an area looks and feels and from info gathered from others.

will begin looking at the houses in Knocklyon and surrounding areas soon as we sell up our own place down the country. But wanted to get some info on the areas before we look.
When you're checking out the houses not all will be in location of all these bus routes. At our end of knocklyon we are but further in yoiu may be relying on just the 15 route, whcih is quiet frequent. Good luck
You might want to consider Firhouse too. We bought there 3 years ago after looking around Ballinteer too. You can get better value for money as the postcode is Dublin 24 as opposed to 16. Huge amount of local amenities. v. near M50, traffic not bad, plenty of pubs, local shops, schools. Firhouse Community Centre very good. Not far from Superquinn, Tesco and the Square. Have never regretted buying here, I love it in fact. x not a clue