Knee jerk Media reaction


Registered User
Recently i find some of the media reports of poor quality. Just a few days ago all the papers had written Cowen off and bayed for his exit as quick as possible. Now they laud his performances in the Dail and on TV. I am no lover of AIB but media led the howl of protests re the bonuses yet almost with reluctance they mentioned that the Courts told them they would have to pay. If they flouted the Courts decision more legal expense would probably in incurred. Last night i spent hours watching the wanton destruction done to large areas in London..yet the proposed or possible visit of English soccer team to Dublin is hailed as good news...I dont get it.
Last night i spent hours watching the wanton destruction done to large areas in London..yet the proposed or possible visit of English soccer team to Dublin is hailed as good news...I dont get it.

I agree with your first point but I don't understand the point you are making above.

I find that hilarious.

As if Haitian's lives can be improved by sending Lorraine Keane over there.

Obviously I don't wish any harm on her but there needs to be a stop to this self-congratulatory visits by Z listers to marvel at the plight of some of the world's poorest people.

She probably thinks she feels their pain at losing their homes, posession and dignity, given her oh-so-horrible negative equity on her Dalkey townhouse. Or wherever else it is that she lives.
Has she become Haiti's Interior Minister? She's well versed on the state of civic unrest.
Gotta love the angle they take on this! Civil unrest in Haiti is an aside, Lorraine Keane is locked in a hotel is the story!!
Hi Purple..I had in mind the shocking scenes which happened on their visit here in February 1995. From memory they tried to burn down an old wooden type stand and quite frankly the scenes on tv last night were terrible.