The instant access product rate is good. Highest 4 year term deposit rate on the market. And close to the highest 3 year term deposit rate. But not as great a rate with shorter terms.
Thanks @Lightning for flagging that. Probably the simplest account setup ever, and then transferred some money in using SEPA Instant and earning interest already.
Yeah I set up in five minutes too and added funds from N26 which were instant transfers. Time to cancel the metal membership with N26.
Thanks OP for bringing this to our attention.
Klarna seem to pay the same rate in all European countries that they operate. This rate change is effecting all their direct European customers.
Coincidence that this rate change has occurred just after launching here / understandable that cuts are occuring post ECB cut, albeit it's a slightly larger cut.
Was about to open an account with Klarna when it was at 2.95% but will stick with my current combination of Advanzia at 3.4% and Trade Republic at 2.75%.