Kitchen Designers

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Hiya guys,
I am hoping ye might be able to give me some feedback. I have been a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom designer for the last 8 years and am now thinking of going out freelance. The concept is that a client would come to me to have their design done with no sales pressure before pounding the pavement to suppliers. I can work from plans or site measurments and also advise on room layout if building work has not yet commenced. As most kitchen companies in the Cork area are now charging a min of €60 for a plan do you think that this is a service that people would avail of ?????
Just to let ye know this is not a sales pitch, I am really just looking for some feedback.
How much would you charge and what would be the advantages of using you as against using the desigener from whatever company I would eventually buy from.
Are you aware of what all the different companies in the Cork area have to offer and where I shold go to get what I need.
If you can save me time and money and eliminate the need for me to go to every kitchen and bathroom supplier in Cork to see what they are offering then I would use you.
Can you get me things and gadgets from other companies that are not available in the Cork shops.
Hi Pinky

This is just the type of sevice I am looking for and I imagine there are plenty of others who could do with it also.

I buy kitchen magazines every month and love what they have. However, what I cannot picture is what I could put into my own kitchen or how I would lay it out.

Until I have this image I do not want to consider type of units but am "scared" that if I go into a kitchen company I'll end up with a kitchen before I am ready to puchase!

Hiya guys,
Thank you so much for your feedback, as I am just trying to get an idea as whether or this this is viable I have not decided on exactly what the charges would be. The main advantage is that instead of spending vast quantities of time and money getting plans from a variety of suppliers all trying to sell you their product, you would have a very clear idea of what you want before you enter their showrooms. I would be fairly confident as to what suppliers could provide you with the best product and service within your budget. The company you decide to go with to supply and fit your kitchen etc would then take on the responsibility of final measurments and plans ( I would not be affialiated with any supplier )
As for gadgets etc I would be able to advise and suggest suppliers but would not take on the responsibility of supplying them directly to you.

The main concept of this service would be to equip clients with as much info as possible in relation to their ideal kitchen before having to deal with Designer/Sales people, therefore allowing them to make a more informed decision on who will eventually supply their kitchen etc
Hi pinky123,

I think the service you are offering would be very beneficial, independent advice is always better. At the moment looking at kitchens/designs hope to build next year. The ergonomics of a kitchen is very important and with someone like yourself to advise and point in the right direction would in my opinion be a valuable service worth the money, sometimes the sales people don't have the time to give you.
This is just off the top of my head and I may be way out but I am thinking that I would be willing to pay €350 for such a service.
Maybe €500 if bathrooms were included.
Pinky just looking at the proposed service, i think that while an independant kitchen designer with no affiliations and offering completely independant advice would be extremely beneficial, that if you also offered the service of pricing the kitchens with various suppliers in the region this would make it all the more enticing to your potential clientele for what would be a reasonably easy to implement system.???????????????

Just to add an edit to this, i am currently visiting a kitchen showroom we have come up with an agreed design, they just sent me the price €33k including appliances. Personally i would love if there was a service where i had agreed this design with designer and he/she sent the kitchen spec out to an approved list of kitchen suppliers that he/she may have dealt with. Present a file with design and breakdown of all suppliers quotes and decide from there!
Thank you all so much for your advice, had not thought of offering a service where I would get the kitchen priced for the client, brill idea, thank you Jolly Man.
My confidence is growing that this might be a runner.
Was thinking of running it through a web site and local advertising. What do ye think
Sounds good pinky the hardest part is getting to spread the word and building the reputation, but as i have said i would definitely go for a service like that. Look forward to seeing something in the near future!
I had a lady supply a kitchen design service to me a few years back.I was very please with the result. She priced by the hour. As a designer she was also advising on colour schemes, tiling etc. So unless you are comfortable with this responsibility, maybe you should advertise as a kitchen planner.I think the pricing from other companies is a good idea, but be aware clients may think you have a deal going with some of the kitchen suppliers.
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