kitchen appliances

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It appears i upset the powers that be by reasking a question i didn't mean it to be bumped up it was a genuine cry for help,an answer i urgently needed so i will re ask the question.
I want to re wire my kitchen,when i fit a below worktop socket for my tumble dryer and washer m/c do i have to fit a fused switched spur box above the worktop to feed each of these sockets.The collins diy electrical book says you do but i think this book is based on the english regs as i can find no mention of this in the irish regs book.Please some knowledgeable person help me.
It appears i upset the powers that be by reasking a question i didn't mean it to be bumped up it was a genuine cry for help,an answer i urgently needed so i will re ask the question.
I want to re wire my kitchen,when i fit a below worktop socket for my tumble dryer and washer m/c do i have to fit a fused switched spur box above the worktop to feed each of these sockets.The collins diy electrical book says you do but i think this book is based on the english regs as i can find no mention of this in the irish regs book.Please some knowledgeable person help me.
Why are you reasking this when you have previously been pulled up for duplicating/bumping posts in breach of the posting guidelines and have previously posted this
I am a qualified electrician from england,for the past fifteen years i have worked in factory electrical maintenance,i have done lots of small domestic installions in ireland.i have been asked to rewire a two bed house which i can do no prob,i have read the most recent regs.I need to know how to get it checked and certed once i am finished.
and then this
I haven't wired a kitchen in years,reading the new regs am i to believe that for every under counter power point i have now to wire it back to an isolating switch fuse unit mounted 150 mm above the counter,is this written in stone.
If you are a qualified electrician why are you reading the Collins DIY electrical book!?

You are just wasting time here as far as I can see and another breach of the posting guidelines will result in a suspension or ban. You have been warned.

If you want the relevant building/electrical regulations then check the Department of the Environment website.
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