Kitchen Appliances - doctor needed! (Dublin)


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can anybody help me on this one...

Some of my kitchen appliances - about 3 years old (relatatively new but out of guarantee). The washing machine I think has something jammed in it and the grill on the oven hasn't worked in a while. I was wondering if anybody knows a company or skilled diy person who can fix such appliances and/or replace faulty parts? I'm reluctant to go and buy new ones, and like I said, they are out of guarantee by now so no real point going back to the retailer or manufacturer.

Any views/advice would be great,
Why do you think there's something jammed in the washing machine? Are you in any way DIY minded? A w/m repair guy will probably cost a minimum of €60 to €80 for a call out, and if he can fix it, happy days! If not, and you need new part(s), plus a return call out fee to fit same, will end up costing you about the same as a new machine, but without having a new machine! However, on most w/ms, there is a screw out cover at the bottom front of the machine, and behind this is a filter. If you can unscrew this and clean the filter (coins, paperclips, sweet wrappers, lint etc) it may work fine again. Its worth a try. Re the grill, its hard to say without looking at it, but if the unit is still good, it should be worth paying for one call out.
thanks oops. yeah, i think i'll have a go at the washing machine but the grill is probably trickier.
The grill fault could be either the element itself being burnt out (pretty inexpensive to replace and not very difficult either) or a fault with the switch/ thermostat. The latter is more difficult (I've done those on an older cooker in the past) and it's not really a DIY job unless you are confident and excercise due caution! a replacement switch could cost €50 as they sometimes come with a "thermocouple" type stat as a complete unit.
Thanks carpenter - from my limited knowledge of such things, i do think it could be the element that's 'gone'. Unfortunately i'm diy-challenged so the only option is to get someone in to look at it.

Do try the w/m yourself though! And don't be deterred if the screw off cover is stiff - gently but firmly twist and then pull out. Don't worry either if you get a little flood from the cover when you open it, just put down some whole newspspers under the cover first, ...but its only water! Put themoney that you saved towards a repair on the grill, or just get a new cooker.
As a by-the-way the fluff filter (presumably) referred to above should be regularly inspected and cleaned, probably on a monthly basis. This is well flagged with any new machine, I've found all sorts in our machine (coins, nuts- the metal and edible kind, hairclips, plasters, buttons, peas!)
A few points to bear in mind:

1. You should root out the manual for the washing machine before you tackle removing anything as some of these items may release water and will usually require a basin strategically positioned to avoid flooding!

2. If you need two items repaired you might well only incur one call out charge if you use the same company for both machine repairs. There have been a few recommendations for and you could give them a call to see if they would be able to give you some advice. They are very helpful. They supply parts and also do repairs.
Thanks carpenter - from my limited knowledge of such things, i do think it could be the element that's 'gone'. Unfortunately i'm diy-challenged so the only option is to get someone in to look at it

If you think it's the element that's gone, it's only a matter of unscrewing the plate holding it on (make sure electric is off!) adn detaching it. Bring it to local elec shop and get replacement one.Have a look at it before you go the call-out route!