Kingswood Tallaght:what is this area like re antisocial behaviour, bus service, facil


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Hi what is this area like re antisocial behaviour, bus service, facilities etc?
Re: Kingswood Tallaght

Nice area, only bus service is the 56a which isnt brilliant, however the luas is at the top of Kingswood and thats great. There is 1 pub which is quiet enough, mainly just locals, no real trouble.

You would have the usual teenagers hanging around the shops but no serious antisocial behaviour.

Schools wise there is no secondary school but the primary school is good. There is a new community centre and plenty of green areas.

Hope that helps if you want any more info just ask!
Re: Kingswood Tallaght

Brill thanks! Are there any shops near (local) and supermarkets? Im sure I will think of more questions thanks !!!
Re: Kingswood Tallaght

There is a Centra in Kingswood which is grand for picking up the odd item and there is a good Dunnes in Kilnamanagh for doing a bigger shop, then of course the Square is only 10 mins drive away.

Also in Kingswood beside the Centra there is a dry cleaners, hair dressers, Silvios chipper, good Chinese take away and a bookies.
Re: Kingswood Tallaght


Kingswood is a great estate but I would have to disagree about the pub and shops. I think it has gone down a fair bit over the last few years so much so that they had to get a security guard at one stage at the shops. There also seem to be quite a number of parents who drink in the pub and leave their kids running around the car park. Its a pity really as it lets the estate down. I've heard people mention that quite a number of these people come on buses from other areas. I had to ring the manager of the pub a long time ago about a little girl left waiting outside the pub because it was gone after 7 oc and the kids weren't allowed in then. It was getting dark and cold. He promised to do something about it!

Two friends who live near a green area have had trouble with anti social behaviour nearby and there is quite a lot of drinking done in Ballymount Park at night. So much so that the guards regularly do a clear out in the early hours.

Depending on which part of the estate you are thinking of it might be best to take a run around late at night and see if there is any trouble nearby.

Most estates these days have their trouble spots and that's why it is worth checking it out before buying or renting.

As mentioned above Kingswood has a very good primary school, church and new community centre. The shops are good for supplies. Unfortunately most of the secondary school children have to head off very early on buses to schools like Templeogue College, St. Paul's and others.

The 56a has been cut back because so many people have taken to using the Luas which is a very good service.

Dunnes in Kilnamanagh is good and is open late most nights. The Square has a good selection also. A lot of the work on the M50 at Ballymount has been completed but the Red Cow Roundabout is ongoing.

Re: Kingswood Tallaght

I have to agree with you about the kids running around the carpark on Sundays while their parents are drinking in the pub, that has been going on for years and unfortunately seems to happen in a lot of pubs on Sundays I dont think it is exclusive to Kingswood! Its awful to see.

Also in relation to the security guard at the shops it seemed that they actually caused more trouble than they were worth (I worked in the shop at the time). Dont know if there is still a security guard now??

Re the underage drinking, I dont think it is any worse than in other estates in Dublin (teenagers have been hanging out by the "Castles" near Ballymount park before there even was a Ballymount park........I know I was one 10 years ago getting chased by cows and hopping walls!!!).

I would definitely agree that you should take a drive around the area at night to see what exactly goes on. My parents house is right opposite a big green area and luckily we usually have kids playing football rather than teenagers drinking.

I think it tends to be quieter down near Dunmore / Walnut / Ashfield. The area behind the school (along the "black path") up to Kingswood Heights always tended to have more trouble.

All estates have their problems, but Kingswood would definitely be my pick of estates in Tallaght.