Kilmahuddrick, Clondalkin.


Registered User
Any views on the Kilmahuddrick area of Clondalkin, specifically Kilmahuddrick walk? Considering buying a property there, and wondering if it's an ok area in terms of amenities and safety. What would be a good price for a three-bed house there? Thanks in advance for any advice.
not a good area.

take a drive up some saturday night!

would be considered the dodgiest area in that part of clondalkin. some drug problems as far as i have heard!
I was born and reared in Clondalkin, (not this area) and would never recommend anyone buy a property in this Estate as there are very severe social problems.
Thanks for the info guys. Rang the garda station in Clondalkin and they said pretty much the same thing. Doubt i'll be putting a bid on that particular property so!
As a matter of interest, what sort of info is a Garda allowed to give you relation to an area? Where do confidentiality and slander laws come in to effect?
It seems to depend on the Garda. In relation to Kilmahuddrick, the garda I spoke to said that there was a very young population there and 'high levels of anti-social behaviour with youths.' Said he didn't want to say any more than that because he could be held liable.

A garda in Tallaght garda station was much more forthcoming about an area I enquired about. Told me under no circumstances to buy there, because 'i'd wake up every morning wondering if my car was still outside'.

When I contacted Lucan Garda station enquiring about a certain estate, the Garda said she couldn't give me any sort of advice because 'it wouldn't be fair to the estate agent trying to sell the house.'

I thought that was utterly ridiculous as surely the Gardai should have the best interests of the public at heart rather than the estate agents! Maybe she had relations in the business!

So from my experiences, it can vary dramatically how forthcoming/helpful the gardai can be in these situations. In my opinion, they should always be honest and helpful to anyone who makes these sorts of enquiries.

I doubt it could be construed as slander because it was a comment said in a private conversation rather than a public forum. Not sure if there's an garda offical policy on giving this type of advice.
I would tend to agree with the Lucan Garda, and I doubt she had relations in the business.

I would have thought only publically available statistics could be disclosed and anything else could be construed as slanderous. Like I don't know this estate in Clondalkin but I know if I lived there and was trying to sell and read the comments on this board I think I'd be straight onto a solicitor.
You would be straight onto a Solicitor in response to which comments exactly?
Sorry, was a bit quick on the draw. None of the comments on this thread are in my opinion slanderous, but there's a fairly thin line there and it's one I would expect any Garda to steer well clear of.
I've heard of slandering a person but never an estate. I'd expect gardai to give an honest answer if they were asked about a particular area and I don't see any legal problem to doing so. They're not disclosing specific information about individuals (which rules out accusations of both slander and breach of confidentiality).
I pretty sure you can defame a product which, if you're selling, is all property is.

Like if I were to say a certain brand of cola rots your teeth I'm sure the post would get pulled from the thread for potential libel.

I would expect the Garda to give you stats and nothing more, the number of burgluries in the area, whether there's a methadone clinic planned for accross the road. You can then form your own judgement. Opinion is libelous, stats aren't.
I live in Kilmahuddrick Estate and its great. I have been their for 5 years now. The people are the salt of the earth and would do all they can to help you. It does have some problems but where does not. I have never once woke to find my car or property interferred with and my kids have made some great friends since moving here.