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I'm relocating to Killarney. Any ideas what I can buy for approx 320k in the town or closeby. My research so far indicates that there is good value 5 - 10 miles outside the town for existing one off houses or even sites to build on. Local knowledge would be much appreciated.
Hi there,

I lived in Killarney for nine years before moving to Dublin. Believe me when I tell you that e320 will buy you a house in Killarney that in Dublin would cost in the region of e800,000.

Got 3-bed semis are selling for about e300,000. If you want to move further outside the town, you will get better value. But move quickly - as the town is bordered on one side by the National Park and on the other by the by-pass, the price and availability of land is now almost at a premium.

Best of luck in your quest!!
Theres great value to be had for that money in Killarney. Kilcummin and Beaufort are lovely areas near Killarney. Great views and very reasonable. eg: [broken link removed]
Cheaper areas nearby would be Kilorglin, Castlemaine and Firies.