Kill weeds and Grow grass


Registered User
I'm battling at present to contain the weeds growing in my garden....I've seen an ad for something you put on your lawn,it kills the weeds but leaves the grass intact....tried one of these last year but it only grew the grass the weeds were left untouched....I think it was called weed and feed and was in granual form....any one tried out the knew stuff?
feed and weed is fine. Everything should grow and espeicially the weeds. I think the weeds grow so fast they can't handle it or something. It will look awful for a while but should sort it out
Don't mean to hijack your thread pennypincher, but I also have a weed problem.

We have a rental property on half an acre and the tenants are not keen on gardening! Have just spent 4 hours today strimming weeds in a effort to keep the garden under control. Is there a reasonably priced weedkiller I could spray to keep them down after strimming?

I've checked out Roundup and it's really expensive - 1ltr bottle was I think 26 Euro in Tesco!

Don't buy the pre-made up Roundup, buy the concentrated form that you have to make up.
So it actually makes the weeds grow bigger and then they die...that's why I thought it wasn't working last eveything took off at the same time...but the weeds never went brown or died I need to ensure the granuals actually land on the blades/leaves of the weeds?
Hi Pennypincher - almost half hijacked your thread earlier so here's my experience with the old weed and feed stuff:

- I used the granules last 2 years and got a patchy effect - found it hard to distribute them evenly. Yes, you need quite a bit of the stuff to fall on the weeds and it makes them shoot up and eventually die off.

- my neighbour, who has a beautiful garden, uses a weed and feed that is disolved in water and distributed with a watering can - therefore the spread is more even and his lawn looks like a bowling green!

- another neighbour uses the agricultural pellets which are much cheaper than the weed and feed you can get at the DIY store - they're called 20-80-10 or something like that. His lawn is also weed free and lush and green. However, he buggers off to Spain for 6 months every year and leaves me to look after his lawn and it's a nightmare to cut! The pellets are, I think, used by farmers to produce silage and the grass is fast-growing, very thick and juicy - I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a tractor to mow the lawn!

I'll ask the neighbour with the bowling green lawn exactly what he uses and will let you know.