Kildangan Co Kildare


Registered User

Would be grateful for anyone's opinion/experiences of this area of Kildare?

What is it like for families, schools etc. Am looking at houses in the new Paddocks development. We're keen to move from the large town environment, but obviously still need to be concious of the need for schools etc!

It's handy enough to the motorway, so I know what the commute will be like.
I'm gonna rattle a few cages here but, a lot of the locals would consider Kildangan a dump but you don't hear an aful lot about the area on the local news or anything like that, the odd row in the pub and such like (of course caused by the "blow ins" and not the locals ) and sure ya get that anywhere...

Best of luck with the move.
Have to agree with Irish Fire, Kildangan is hill billy heaven, there was a time when the "blow ins" would have been run out.

Saying that i see loads of new houses going up there and sure is probably just another part of Dublin now.

I dont know about the schools, honestly i didnt think there was any, my Mam lived near there and had to go to school in Athy (you dont want them going there), but that was years ago.

There is one shop and one pub and nothing else, its not a large town by any means.

BTW the motorway is a good 9 miles from Kildangan.

And here was me thinking I was going to rattle cages about Kildangan and you go and take the heat off me with the folks from Athy (although I do agree somewhat)