kids browsing the internet


Registered User
one of my kids is 8 and beginning to get very interested in the internet. he went onto it the other day looking at the lego website and later when i checked he had drifted onto utube lego which is innocent enough mostly but some of it is inappropriate for his age. i vaguely recall hearing something about a software that can prevent inadvertantly having access to certain sites but i'm not sure a)where i heard it or b) if such a software exists. any help appreciated.

Maybe install the siteblock Add-on for the Firefox Browser and set up a white-list of sites you're happy for him to visit.
Make sure the PC is in a public part of the house, like the kitchen, where there will be lots of adult eyes looking over their shoulders.
[broken link removed] is a free parental control software download - I've been using it for years.
+1 with Complainer. Get involved with your child's internet habits. Spend time with them on the web together. Involved parenting > software blocker. it won't be long before they figure out either your password to the blocker, or download an alternate browser, surf through a proxy etc etc.

don't underestimate them, they are born in this age.....