Keys for New Ford Focus


Registered User
I collected my new ford focus last night , I noticed when I got home that I only got two keys - the key cutting one and one for driving the car - I thought I would get two normal keys and 1 cutter . I will ring the dealer later today to query - What is the norm with new cars?
Just rang Ford dealer there now and he said that was the way all new cars for ford come - one key with the remote and a replacement key with no remote. He said you would need to order one in and that would cost up to 150 euros to have the remote on it ??
That is normal, for most manufacturers. From your first post I took it that the cutter was the plastic key with the security code printed on the side that many manufacturers issue with the car.
Not having remote central locking on your spare key is not the end of the world.
It sounds a little bit unusual to me - why not check with the Ford Ireland head office?

But is the OP not saying that they felt there should be 3 keys - one "master" and 2 everyday but fully functional keys?

That was my understanding and it's what Ford and most others have provided up until, it would seem, relatively recently.
Just rang them now and they confirm that this is the norm - Bit surprised - Having bought new car thought at leats would have two sets of keys with a replacement with no remote
But is the OP not saying that they felt there should be 3 keys - one "master" and 2 everyday but fully functional keys?

That was my understanding and it's what Ford and most others have provided up until, it would seem, relatively recently.
That's what she has but only one of the keys has remote central locking. It's the same on our 02 Galaxy and my mother-in-laws Fiesta. It was the same on my old VW Passat as well.
My Audi has two keys with remote central locking but Audi probably just add €500 to the list price for that!
My husband has two everyday car keys with remote for his hyundai and also has master key - I would have thought I would get two everyday ones with remote such that hubbie could have a set and also a master key without remote to be kept up
I have 2 fully functioning keys with remotes plus a master key for my beemer - my wife has the same for her Land Rover - having two is very handy when one has been lost / hidden by the resident ankle biters!
I agree it is very easy to misplace keys from time to time - I just think having paid so much for a new car it is a little miserable that they give you one key with remote and one other spare with no remote - It sounds like it may be a revenue generating exercise
It sounds like it may be a revenue generating exercise
That's the whole idea of running a business.
Think of it this way; your husband paid the extra cost as part of the sale price of the car. You have a choice.
The fact that BMW and Land Rover (and Audi) give two keys is not the point; they are premium brands with much bigger margins on their cars.
The Ford Focus is an excellent car, the best in it's class, but it is sold at a low margin for the dealer so you don't get the same level of "free" extras.
Look on the bright side, you could have bought a Renault and be faced with the likelihood that your key-card will break (more than once) and you will be charged an arm and a leg for new ones.