Key to open ESB meter box


Registered User
Does anybody know where I can get the universal key to open an outside ESB meter reading box?

I am sick of the ESB not doing it themselves and over estimating my bill, they have me on a direct debit of €96 a month and I only have a one bed and live on my own.

Ring up ESB and request one which will take about a week alternatively you will get one in any hardware store for about €2.
I guess you already know that you can [broken link removed] - when you get the key!
Bazermc, there is something wrong with this scenario! The ESB meter readers carry with them keys to the meter boxes, so in my opinion you have no meter reader calling to you because if he did he would be able to read your meter. The fact that you have no key does not make a difference to this fact. As Clubman said you can take your own reading and ring it in but if you are consistently getting estimated bills I would take a day off take a few relaxation XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and try to contact the ESB on the number shown on your bill and ask them why you are getting estimated bills.
Each bill should say whether it was "estimated" or "read". If you have overpaid (or underpaid) on estimated readings this will be taken away (or added) to the next "read" level, so you should never be too far over (or under) paid.

As a rule the ESB say they will take readings four times a year, but do keep an eye on bills to make sure they are taking an accurate reading ever now and then (or, pick up the key as mentioned and supply the info online, [broken link removed])
Does anybody know where I can get the universal key to open an outside ESB meter reading box?

Blsckspor do a 4 way one that'll do most utility enclosures, tesco carry a lot of the blackspor stuff.
Thanks for the replies

The last time i had my meter read was in April, when i guy called, and read it for me. I know I can submit on line thats why I need to get the damm box open. Am going to ring ESB today and give out to them for not reading my meter and get a key off them.

I have been getting estimated bills since then, as I am on the equaliser system they have my standing order up at €96/month which is stupid considering I have a small one bed and I live on my own and am very carefull with turning lights off etc...
Keep us informed as to how you get on with the reading and/or any overcharging. Im curious about this as I know someone in a similar situation
I presume you're planning on ditching Equaliser and just registering your own readings when necessary from here on in?
OK, I am going to get my meter read on the weekend and sumbit the reading online.

I be curious to see what people think of this:

I am on equaliser (as Clubman pointed out) and have worked out that over the last 12 months I have paid €823 to ESB the monthly DD ranges from €56 to €96. I have a small one bed apartment with electric storage heating (which I thought was economical) and never leave the TV or my PC on stand-by etc.... as they recommend. My meter has been read twice in the last 12 months in April and September.

What does every one think of that it is fair or does it not look right?
The storage heaters eat electricity, are they on night saver. Do you have an lectric shower and cooker. I use 700-800 per year for 3 bed house, but heat by gas.
I have storage heaters but they only come on a night, 11pm, when the night saver comes on, no electric shower but have a cooker dont use it that much as I eat out a lot. TBH I am never there
Interesting towger you pay €800 for a 3 bed same as me but I have a one one floor apartment.
On your high energy bill, I would check to make sure they are billing you for YOUR house. A friend of mine was getting crazy ESB bills and when she investigated it, she found that she was getting the bill for a hairdressing salon 30 miles away with a similar address.