Thanks techman. Budget 2008 has increased the threshold for exemption to €500000... "3. The transfer of a site from a parent to child is exempt from stamp duty where the site transfer is for the purpose of constructing a house which will be the child’s main residence. Budget 2008 provided for an increase in the threshold for the value of the site transferring from €254,000 to €500,000 for deeds executed on or after 5 December 2007. The area of the site must be less than .4047 hectare (1 acre) exclusive of the area occupied by the house itself."
there was no change in the last budget regarding sites, 9% of value payable over 150k, sliding scale up to that. it's pretty **** really. myself and my wife are currently trying to buy a site for 250, 22.5 extra for stamp. if it was house we were buying for that money it wouldn't even be close to 22k
Hi, I dont mean to hijack this post but I cant seem to find the answer anywhere for this, im currently looking a a site with my partner for 150,000 then plan to build a house subject to planning for up to 150,000 , total including site 300,000.I am a first time buyer im told that this makes no difference as my partner already has a house.Can anyone tell me what stamp duty will have to be paid?Thanks in advance.
Thanks delboy i thought as much from what i had read on other posts but then post around them began telling stories of size 1/4 of the buid cost etc.Confused much?not any more thank you again.