This was originally posted by Bamboo
I plan to change my car early next year and have done some preliminery work on how it's worth as a trade-in.
It came as a monor shock to realise that my modest Ford Focus, driven conservatively with average mileage, no prangs etc, has depreciated by 10,000 Euro in just over two years. This is the equivalent of approximately 100 Euro a week.
It occurs that for 100 a week, I could lease a fairly nice motor (certainly nicer than a Focus) without any of the usuals concerns about its diminishing value. I'm aware however that certain terms of lease agreements can be somewhat restrictive (maximum allowed mileage, etc).
I'm also aware that as a PAYE worker, there wouldn't be any tax advantages.
Has anybody any experience (good, bad or indifferent) of how car leasing stacks up #as an option against outright ownership?
I plan to change my car early next year and have done some preliminery work on how it's worth as a trade-in.
It came as a monor shock to realise that my modest Ford Focus, driven conservatively with average mileage, no prangs etc, has depreciated by 10,000 Euro in just over two years. This is the equivalent of approximately 100 Euro a week.
It occurs that for 100 a week, I could lease a fairly nice motor (certainly nicer than a Focus) without any of the usuals concerns about its diminishing value. I'm aware however that certain terms of lease agreements can be somewhat restrictive (maximum allowed mileage, etc).
I'm also aware that as a PAYE worker, there wouldn't be any tax advantages.
Has anybody any experience (good, bad or indifferent) of how car leasing stacks up #as an option against outright ownership?