Axa Financial have a very competitive unit fund platform which has been available for quite a while now. Passive Equity and Bond funds, from
Blackrock, are 0.45% mgmt fee while the active funds go up to 1.45%.
No entry or Exit penalties, good rebalancing and drip feeding features and a vey high quality list of funds with an extensive selection process before a fund can make it only the platform. Funds like Standard Life GARS have made it along with international managers like JP Morgan, Investec, Schroder. I think about 44 funds so far.
Definitely worth a look. €50,000 minimum and they don't do regular premiums at the moment.
We have used them for clients and have been very happy so far with service and performance. They don't pay commissions on most contracts, so tend to be used more by fee based advisors.