Key Post: DVD recorders== someone please explain the different



DVD recorders someone please explain the different types on the market e.g. plus and minus signs ??

has anyone good or bad experience of dvd's recorder??
Re: DVD recorders== someone please explain the different typ

DVD recorders someone please explain the different types on the market e.g. plus and minus signs ??

The DVD Demystified FAQ is an good place to start - in particular this section.

I never thought compatibility was a huge issue, unless you plan to lend your recordings to others, and even then most of the more modern players play both dash (minus) and plus formats. The most incompatible is DVD Ram - but also the best in terms of features - for "pausing live tv" and starting to watch a film you are recording before it's actually finished. For this reason I purchased a Dvd recorder that writes to DVD-R, DVD-RW and also DVD-Ram which I use most often for the above reasons. Bear in mind that RAM incompatibility is irrelevant if it's only you thats using it!
great dvd recorder

PS The recorder I purchased was the Samsung DVD-R1 at - for Eur260 including delivery by DHL to my door. Fantastic! But the manual is in French and you have to go to the web for the english version!

Was it 240v compatable or did it require a transformer.
Was it a 3 pin plug or a 2 pin plug
dvd recorder

Came with a 3 pin adaptor which you just slip the 2 pin plug into. No transformer needed. Only problem was that you have to manually tune each channel in once as the autotune feature is locked to French Pal - but 20 minutes later thats sorted.
Re: dvd recorder

The recorder I purchased was the Samsung DVD-R1 at
Hi! Could you kindly clarify which country you chose? I've tried to find that particular machine on the Ireland and France webpages, but no joy. When did you get it?

I am without doubt a twit.

The model is not a Samsung.

It is a Toshiba!

Toshiba D-R1. Hope you can find it on the site now!
If it's not there, it will probably crop up again in a couple of days, sometimes models appear and disappear.

A review is here by the way:

If youre really in a hurry, Argos have a similar specced model - a Samsung, YES a Samsung! R100E for Eur350, but I can't vouch for it!