Kevin Myers...yesterdays Times Article

the b word

So we have decided the word bastard is not PC these days? Surely it will be removed from the Oxford English least the printed word causes offence?
Re: the b word

Who is we ? I don't find it to be not PC. Do you ?

Re: the b word

Myers column is simple 'shock journalism'. He sets out to offend and cause controversy. He generally selects easy targets. This time he misjudged his audience - as he himself admitted later.

I don't accept his apology, because it is hypocritical. If he cleans up his act that would be different...but then he'd be out of a job. He's a right winger and a fascist by nature.

Kevin will be back putting the boot in again after a short 'holiday'. Thats his gig.
The Apology

The Apology was as bad as I expected.
After stating mockingly in the original column that he knew people wouldn't like the word Bastard, he then claimed in the apology that he didn't realise he would cause offence.

As I said before he seems to think his readers are stupid.

The truth is he didn't realise hoe big the reaction to his piece would be. The Times editorial was as bad, claiming it regretted the offence caused.

It doesn't regret that at all, it knew there would be offense. What it regrets is the the reaction has been so big that the Times has come off looking like a Tabloid. And if you're the editor of the paper of record then that is something to regret.

Re: The Apology

For a paper that has made shrill self righteous moral indignation it's stock and trade over the last 10 years it's all a bit hard to take....