Kerry Katonas sunglasses

Darth Vader

Registered User
Kerry always wears the same pair of sunglasses, they are quite big with light coloured lenses and they have a silver snake like design at the point where the handles join. Does anyone know who they are by? or where to get them?
Thanks Madra, but they arent the ones i meant. Its another pair I want, she wears them ALL the time in any magazines you see her in.

Anyone else know the ones i mean?
No luck there either. i thought someone would know the pair I mean and would know where they can be bought. I had presumed they are designer, but perhaps not.

anyway, thanks for your help guys.
Not (these Roberto Cavalli ones) by any chance?
Thats them alright! Thanks a mil Cambazola, i'd nearly given up on finding them. I love this web-site.

No problem. I'm finding it difficult to imagine what Darth Vader would look like wearing them though. Hope they're for the missus.
Jasus mate, if you are going to spend that kind of dosh on sunglasses, then send me some money, you must have lots.