Keeping Tracker Mortgage After Divorce


Registered User
My divorce is complete, as part of the settlement I am taking on the family home. The mortgage during marriage was in both names but I must now apply for a mortgage solely in my own name. My application is currently being made and I will need to pass an affordability test.

The existing mortgage held during the marriage in joint names is a tracker mortgage. I have solely paid this for the past 5 years and continue to pay it.

Does anybody know if there are examples of people in my situation being able to keep tracker mortgages. I understand I will need a new mortgage but just trying to figure out if there is any precedent for people keeping tracker mortgages post divorce?
And do you want to in this new interest rate environment?
Sure you can get a government grant to ease the pain of higher interest rates after having years of paying virtually no interest at all! :rolleyes:

But in answering the OP, the bank will probably try to add a margin to the tracker rate.