keeping kitchen electrical applainces clean


Registered User
I am thinking of buy electrical kitchen applaicances at what I think is a good price (1500 the lot). Has anyone any idea how difficult or otherwise it is to keep applicances with stainless steel 'look' finish clean?
Stainless steel will look dirty unless it is kept clean regularly and polished. You can buy special stainless steel cleaners which are very good- can't remember the name of the one we use offhand. Also Johnsons Baby oil is recommended for keeping the steel clean and looking shiny.
Have you considered eating out? No seriously, olive oil or any cooking oil for that matter on a soft cloth will work on keeping the stainless steel clean.
we have stainless steel appliances in our kitchen that came with boyf when we moved in together, now we are buying our own house together and i cant wait to get rid of them!! No seriously, any little mark shows up, fingerprints and the like. I mean if you are prepared to clean them well and good.
Actually now that i have read the tip about oil i might change my mind!
Those wipes are available in roches Stores
Highly recommend the e-cloth ( or available from the Organic Shop in Windy Arbour or at the Marley Park markets on Saturday. Good for the environment too