I have a Prepay O2 phone with lots of credit on it. I am thinking about switching to three mobile billpay as there is a good deal on at the moment. I intend to keep my current mobile no. When I am on the three mobile bill pay using my current mobile no, would it still be possible to use my O2 phone. I could use the O2 credit to call overseas – overseas calls are not covered by the free units under the three mobile billpay.
I have a Prepay O2 phone with lots of credit on it. I am thinking about switching to three mobile billpay as there is a good deal on at the moment. I intend to keep my current mobile no. When I am on the three mobile bill pay using my current mobile no, would it still be possible to use my O2 phone. I could use the O2 credit to call overseas – overseas calls are not covered by the free units under the three mobile billpay.