A. I/We wish to make an additional monthly payment of €. above my
scheduled mortgage repayment for a period of __ months.
The additional payments will be deducted from your capital balance. Although the scheduled term will
not be reduced you will benefit from interest savings. The funds will be available for redraw at a later
date subject to KBC Homeloans Terms and Conditions. The overpayment instruction will be applied for
the term of the mortgage unless requested otherwise above. Please instruct us in writing if you wish to
cancel or amend the overpayment amount.
B. I/We wish to increase our total monthly repayment to €. per month.
The additional payments will be deducted from your capital balance and the overpayments can be
redrawn at a later date subject to KBC Homeloans Terms and Conditions. We request that you review
the overpayment amount in the event of an increase to your mortgage repayment over and above the
amount you have specified above. The overpayment instruction will need to be renewed in 12 months if
you wish to continue with it. Although the term of your mortgage will not be reduced, if left in place for
the full term of the loan this credit will effectively redeem your mortgage at an earlier date. If the sole
objective in making the overpayment is to reduce your term, refer to option C.
C. I/We wish to reduce the term of my/our entire mortgage from __ months
to __ months (including subsequent top-ups).
Please be advised a term reduction will increase your scheduled monthly repayments. This option will
allow you to pay your mortgage off at an earlier date and also result in an interest saving. The additional
amounts paid will not be available for redraw at a later date. Please contact our Customer Services
Department on (01) 6646100 for a quotation in this regard.