KBC arrears


Registered User
Hi, I wonder if somebody can advise me. My husband has two rental properties in Kilcock, mortgaged in his sole name. The total amount of mortgage is 495,000 and the rental income is 1,800 per month. He is 12,000 in arrears.
Our family home is mortgaged in our joint names with 4 years remaining on term - 39,000 left on mortgage.
We do not want to sell the family home as it is on family land.
Can anybody advise us what to do/
Many thanks for some reason it would not let me paste the link but I have set out below the details of income/expenditure.

Monthly income:
Husband 2400
Me 1200
Child Benefit 390

Age of children 16, 13, 9

Home mortgage:
Ulster Bank 39,000 balance due
monthly repayment 75000
No arrears

Investment properties:
Lender KBC
Amount outstanding: 490000
Arrears 12,000
Rent received: 1800
Monthly payments 1700 (less than interest)

I am really interested in keeping our family home as it built on family land.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
Sorry that should have been 750.00 for our monthly repayments on the homeloan. Also we need 2 cars for work.
Husband's mortgage arrears

Wondering about debt settlement agreements to try and sort situation out.​
Until you provide proper information e.g. the interest rates and the value of the properties and details of other creditors, you won't get any sort of a meaningful response.