Justice denied


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Soldier walks free after beating woman unconscious and boasting about it on social media https://jrnl.ie/6414853

Any serving officer giving a character reference for such an individual needs to be disciplined.

That dreadful individual weaing a state uniform needs a hefty prison sentence 5 years plus.

I'm sick and tired of people like this getting off on character references.

These people have zero character and belong in jail and to be frank the referee needs a good kicking also along with the useless judge.

Sentence is disgusting.
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Was just reading about this awful case - fully agree with the above. Though at least the streets are safe with Enoch locked up. (Sarcasm alert!)
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"He said his name had been blackened around Limerick and when asked why, he replied, ‘I hit a girl – not a good look’.”

He almost makes it sound like a third party was responsible for the loss of his "good" reputation.Blackened as if he's been unfairly judged.

The only good thing about this is no self respecting girl will have anything to do with this coward ever again.
"He said his name had been blackened around Limerick and when asked why, he replied, ‘I hit a girl – not a good look’.”

He almost makes it sound like a third party was responsible for the loss of his "good" reputation.Blackened as if he's been unfairly judged.

The only good thing about this is no self respecting girl will have anything to do with this coward ever again.
He should be facing a lengthy prison sentence and there should be no question that he should be dismissed from the Army. He beat a woman unconscious, resulting in her having broken a nose, a serious concussion and serious facial injuries, after she asked him to stop shouting homophobic slurs on the street. The latter alone should bring into question his suitability to serve in the defence forces.
Sent an email to Simon Harris relating to this sentence.
I didn't bother with McEntee (Justice Minister) as she is literally a waste off space.
Was the judge a total idiot or just acting the gombeen, didn't want to end his army career, never considered the Defence Forces would act themselves. Judges need to be independent, but not should they be above the law. There should be a process for removing or demoting judges where they have had multiple sentences appealed successfully.
Soldier walks free after beating woman unconscious and boasting about it on social media https://jrnl.ie/6414853

Any serving officer giving a character reference for such an individual needs to be disciplined.

That dreadful individual weaing a state uniform needs a hefty prison sentence 5 years plus.

I'm sick and tired of people like this getting off on character references.

These people have zero character and belong in jail and to be frank the referee needs a good kicking also along with the useless judge.

Sentence is disgusting.
Completely agree on all above. Watch the space to see if the army brush this under the carpet and he gets a tour abroad where he can impose more serious damage or death
Sent an email to Simon Harris relating to this sentence.

While I agree that this sentence was a disgrace, it's important that the politicians are not involved in actual cases.

Didn't Mary Harney comment on a case and the accused claimed that they had been prejudiced?

Edit: Here it is https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/harney-in-the-dock-for-her-comments-on-trial/26116769.html

Maybe the government can sit down with the Courts System and agree guideline sentences and the judge would have to have a very good reason for departing from the guidelines.

I presume that the DPP can appeal any sentence as too lenient?

The Defence Forces also said that when serving soldier is in court, an officer attends as a Liaison Officer (LO) to provide the court with the individual's service details, conduct rating and information of any previous convictions, which is required under regulations.

It said the LO in yesterday's case - Commandant Paul Togher - was present in that capacity and also required to report back to the relevant Defence Forces authorities on any fines or convictions imposed, as they may have implications for the individual's retention and service.
Think it would be better if they stayed out of civilian courts. They have their own military court that likely would not brook any outside interference.

The defendant should be judged only on their behaviour that brought them in front of the court and only that.

I'm so tired of thes individual's/rapists/wife beaters/burglars/ murderers getting references from priests and such like about what fine decent people they are normally...

They're not, not even remotely. They are monsters who have finally being brought to account.

If I had my way the sentence would be brutal as it should be...reflecting the brutality of the crime.
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He wouldn't have got off with it if the judge had done his job....He , the judge, should be reprimanded and consider his position for making such a stupid decision..
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I don't have an issue with the superior attending to attest to conduct within the context of their service, and to gather information that can then be used in a subsequent disciplinary hearing.

Soldiers should be held to a higher standard, they are trained by the state to fight and kill, but more importantly in the skills of deescalation and the avoidance of conflict where ever possible. The fact that an individual can exhibit restraint in the face or challenging training environment designed to provoke should mean more is expected.