Just received a summons

Ron Burgundy

Registered User
Hi all,

I was caught for speeding in March, complete legit and paid my fine.

Now when the letter arrived about the speeding my name was spelled wrong, i just let it slide and paid the fine.

Now i just got a summons for failing to produce my licence within 10 days. I didn't have it on me at the time ( just back from honeymoon and hadn't put it back in the car )

Here is what i want to share.....

1. I WASN'T asked by the Garda to produce my licence and if i had been asked to i would.

2. My name was spelled wrong on the summons

3. The car i was meant to be driving was completely wrong ( year, county and number )

Now i rang and the Garda was not at the station. I am going to talk to her and just state the above, is there any other advice ???
Hi all,

I was caught for speeding in March, complete legit and paid my fine.

Now when the letter arrived about the speeding my name was spelled wrong, i just let it slide and paid the fine.

Now i just got a summons for failing to produce my licence within 10 days. I didn't have it on me at the time ( just back from honeymoon and hadn't put it back in the car )

Here is what i want to share.....

1. I WASN'T asked by the Garda to produce my licence and if i had been asked to i would.

2. My name was spelled wrong on the summons

3. The car i was meant to be driving was completely wrong ( year, county and number )

Now i rang and the Garda was not at the station. I am going to talk to her and just state the above, is there any other advice ???

The fact that the other details were wrong means nothing as regarding the summons for failing to produce your licence. You must get a solicitor, He or she will most likely tell you that you will need to send them the license and copy of Insurance for your car so they can produce it to the court. There is no need to be present on the court date, Unless of course you decide to protest it and that is not advisable, as your solicitor will advise you that the judge will always believe the garda that he DID ask you to produce your license. That's the way it is so don't bother to go down that road. So act very quick on the matter as it will show that you take the matter seriously and are seen to be dealing with it. The same thing happened me. I got done for speeding last year and I paid the fine next a summons came through the post. Remember to send any docuements by registerd post if the court has not got them by the date and you can't prove you sent them, well you will be in bigger trouble. Any information I have given is in relation to my own experience and I am NOT in the legal profession. Best of luck
The fact that the other details were wrong means nothing as regarding the summons for failing to produce your licence. You must get a solicitor, He or she will most likely tell you that you will need to send them the license and copy of Insurance for your car so they can produce it to the court. There is no need to be present on the court date, Unless of course you decide to protest it and that is not advisable, as your solicitor will advise you that the judge will always believe the garda that he DID ask you to produce your license. That's the way it is so don't bother to go down that road. So act very quick on the matter as it will show that you take the matter seriously and are seen to be dealing with it. The same thing happened me. I got done for speeding last year and I paid the fine next a summons came through the post. Remember to send any docuements by registerd post if the court has not got them by the date and you can't prove you sent them, well you will be in bigger trouble. Any information I have given is in relation to my own experience and I am NOT in the legal profession. Best of luck

but the op won't have an insurance cert, as he doesn't own the car in the summons....
from my own experence..if the name was wrong and the make and reg of the car wrong also, i would say there is a good chance it will be struck out....a good solicitor should be able to sort it out.
You were caught for speeding and you always have to produce your license to the garda either on the day you are stopped or within 10 days, summons follows if you don't. The reg and car make is a minor issue but will be serious if the matter is not dealt with. I doubt the fact your name was spelled wrong will matter too much as the summons got to your house so it couldn't have been too far wrong. It's a different matter if you are pat murphy and the summons came for john lawler. Listen don't try mess with the law it's a minor matter to start with, and the solicitor won't cost too much and my advice to you would be just contact a solicitor as soon as possible! You are lucky the garda didn't do you for failing to produce your licence on the day anyway, so was I. Lesson learned I always carry my license now!
Now i just got a summons for failing to produce my licence within 10 days. I didn't have it on me at the time ( just back from honeymoon and hadn't put it back in the car )

Your honeymoon and whether you normally keep your license in the car is irrelevant. You are supposed to have your license in your posession whenever you are driving.
Your honeymoon and whether you normally keep your license in the car is irrelevant. You are supposed to have your license in your posession whenever you are driving.

I know that, if i am meant to produce my licence i am meant to be asked to also......my crystal ball was on the blink:rolleyes:
Now i rang and the Garda was not at the station. I am going to talk to her and just state the above

I suggest you follow this line before going to see a solicitor. Contact the Garda and ask for an answer to the questions,let us know what response you get.

PS - Good luck in getting to talk to the Garda as IME trying to get a particular Garda took weeks, between "shift work" and "out of the station" and "on lunch" and "on day off" etc etc etc etc
I suggest you follow this line before going to see a solicitor. Contact the Garda and ask for an answer to the questions,let us know what response you get.

PS - Good luck in getting to talk to the Garda as IME trying to get a particular Garda took weeks, between "shift work" and "out of the station" and "on lunch" and "on day off" etc etc etc etc

Thanks, she actually rang be last night at half 10 but i was in bed. I know what shift she is on so i'll ring again later and get her before she goes out inthe car.
Just spoke to the Garda and its all sorted. She said it was prob a mistake with the machine they use to input the info.

She is going to sort it all out and i've been told to forget all about it. I'll be ringing her back in Dec just to make sure its all done, happy days:)
... She said it was prob a mistake with the machine they use to input the info. ...
Arrgh, so them computhers are making a balls of policing in this little country of ours; that sounds familiar, but I didn't think the humans needed much help on that front.
She is going to sort it all out and i've been told to forget all about it. I'll be ringing her back in Dec just to make sure its all done, happy days:)
Good result.
Hey, I was stopped for speeding a number of years back ( 50 in a forty ) I had no license with me so was slightly nervy with the Gardai issueing the ticket. I recognised the Garda with him as being a lad I was in school with some 12 years previously. What he did was, he altered one of the numbers on the reg plate making it incorrect. He then told me that if I wrote to the Sergeant of the station he was based in and explained that that was not the car I was driving, that he would then ask the gardai involved wether it would be worth going to a lengthy case to have the ticket corrected and that the sergant would very very rarely allow the gardai to do that ( too time consuming and expensive) and that the ticket would be scratched.
Write the station sergant a letter simply explaining that it wasnt the car you were driving, pointing out what you were and the difference in reg numbers ect and see how it goes. Its not like your denying the offense, simply correcting the errors.