Just joined - need help bringing car in from england...


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I have just moved over to ireland, and still have a registered address in england. I am looking at buying a car in england and bringing it over, and have absolutely no idea of the extra costs involved. If someone could help me i'd be grateful. Basically we have the car we want to buy, but i just wondered in terms of insurance, tax, changing plates etc, the best way to do this.

Thanks in advance. Phil
You may be too late. There's a requirement to have owned the vehicle 6 months before importing it.
is there no way i can keep my car over here for 6 months and then register it? I have an address in engalnd as my parents live there still. i heard there is some way of doing this?

thanks for the help.
The VRT exemption is for transfer of residence, which it sounds like you have already done. The burden of proof for this is that you owned the car and have paid insurance, road tax, bills, income tax, etc. in the UK for at least six months and you are now moving to Ireland - so you need to show a job offer, residential accomodation receipt or similar. The guides will let you know what documents you need to provide.

You would be unwise to drive a UK-registered car in Ireland for any length of time if resident here, this is being increasingly enforced these days. You can forfeit the car if caught, you will as a minimum have to pay the VRT due and a penalty.

Unfortunately using your parents address in the manner implied would probably be seen as tax evasion. Customs and Revenue will have seen all the attempts to evade VRT possible.

You can, however, console yourself that buying a UK car and paying the VRT should work out cheaper than buying the equivalent in Ireland. Income tax is a lot less, too.

Welcome to Ireland!