Junk mail - menus etc.

Ham Slicer

Registered User
I've put a "no junk Mail" sign on my door which has frustratingly been ignored numerous times.

I'm inundated with take-away menus and other various junk.

Other than posting the rubbish back to the advertiser, what's the best course of action to take? Do I have any rights in this regard?

Hi HS,

A friend of mine moved his post box out to just inside his front garden wall and put in a front door with no letter box. The junk mailers dont realise where his mail box is.

This doesnt prevent junk mail arriving which has been posted through An Post. I know Royal Mail in the UK have a junk mail 'opt out' which is not very well publicised. Indeed a postman who advised people on his route (and provided them with the opt out forms) was suspended recently for doing this.

'No Junk Mail' signs are simply ignored in my experience.

'No Junk Mail' signs are simply ignored in my experience.

Not in my experience though. Haven't had a single piece of any kind of junk mail in the 3 months that I've had my "no Junk mail" sticker on my letterbox.
Saw this recently: keep enough junk mail to fill a large envelope and post it (marked FREEPOST, of course!) to one of the companies together with your request to be taken off their list...
You can't arbitrarily mark envelopes FREEPOST. You may be thinking of the strategy whereby some people keep junk mail that comes with a prepaid envelope, optionally wait a few weeks (because the prepaid license often has a time limit and the company pays for late returns), and then post the junk mail back in the prepaid envelope supplied with a note asking them to cease and desist. I had to do this for a while with MBNA until they eventually got the message.
Most of the people delivering the junk mail are non nationals. How do you say "No junk mail" in Polish, Latvian, Bulgarian, Klingon, Ferengi, Cardassian, Borg? [broken link removed]
Most of my junk mail recently comes from local politicians. Far worse than Klingons or any 'non nationals'... (=Quid?) — just better-dressed and better paid hawkers.
Most of my junk mail recently comes from local politicians. Far worse than Klingons or any 'non nationals'... (=Quid?) — just better-dressed and better paid hawkers.

Mine too. And I'm just waiting for them to put stuff through the door now after having the "no junk mail" sign up.
This was on the Last Word recently.

You can do nothing against the non-addressed junk mail like pizza menus etc

You can however go to the Post Office and fill out a form and asked to be removed from the Direct marketing junk that is addressed to you
I've just had some politicians stuff posted through my door this weekend, despite the no junk mail notice. I've posted it back to him requesting that they ask the people delivering their materials to respect peoples wishes with regards to posting unsolicited materials through their doors.

That, or provide me with a recycling centre that I don't have to take 3 buses and 2 hours to get to so I can drop off my paper for recycling.