June 11th elections



I would like to know how people will vote in the local and european elections?
Why their choice of party and what pros and cons their selection might have?
It is thought that there will be a very low turn out for voting and as this is my first time voting (as I never had confidence in any Party), I am curious to how each party claim, they can change things for the better...
Thats why I am going with Finna Gael. It is good to see them slate our current living as "Rip Off Ireland" and how they plan to cut costs in Housing, Insurance etc..
Hope this gives us a good debate on who and why we are voting for such Parties?
I'm going to spoil my vote. Last time I voted I read all the manefestos (some 30+ pages long) and finally voted on the Green party. They most closely matched my ideals. However, I soon realised that the candidates had much to be desired.

This time I will be spoiling my vote. I don't want any of these people governing me. My spoilt vote will be a protest at the collapse of democracy in Ireland. It seems of all the main political groups spout the same lies, and are essentially the same.

Remember that a political party's sole aim is to aquire power.
They most closely matched my ideals. However, I soon realised that the candidates had much to be desired.

What specifically are you referring to? I'm not questioning what you've said I'm just genuinely interested to hear to why you have grievances with the Greens as they are one of the few parties I would consider voting for.
Re.June 11th elections

Hi Anotherperson,
That's a very depressing view of this country and it's leaders. I'm not having a go at you or anything, it's just that this is one of a very small number of functioning democracies in the world and we should be proud of that. Yes there are many things wrong with the way things are now and yes there has been (is) a culture of corruption here for years but not on the scale or with the abuse of the person that takes place in many countries all over the world.
I am not saying that makes it OK the way things are here but is it really that bleak?
whom I'm voting for

Hi gang,

Well, I'm sure it will come as no surprise from people who have come across my ramblings before, but I shall be voting Labour.

Reason why? Well, I think they are the best party to address the majority's needs (which includes me by the way). I'm very concerned over the mad rush for cash/profit and I think it needs to be tempered with some degree of social responsibility.

Just my two cents as all.


Is it possible to.....

....... Vote for someone in the local elections but spoil your vote in the European as I have confidence in our local candidate..??

I'll vote for Gay Mitchell in the Euro elections as he's a strong candidate and FG is part of a strong group in Europe. Ireland is tiny. Voting anyone into Europe who isn't part of something bigger reduces our influence.

I'll probably vote Bat Chick No 2.

No idea who to vote for in the locals. I'm new to the area and most of the local candidates (Ballyfermot ward) are headbangers (SF, SWP etc.)

G - there are separate ballot papers, for the local & Euro elections so the answer is yes. But please have a re-think.

I'll have a sign at my gate.


Thats how I'm going to vote.

What specifically are you referring to? I'm not questioning what you've said I'm just genuinely interested to hear to why you have grievances with the Greens as they are one of the few parties I would consider voting for.

I don't have any grievances with the Green Party itself, or their ideals. Their candidates (in my area) seem to have a lot to be desired. They seem to have no idea how to market themselves, and I would doubt their leadership skills. They certainly didn't present themselves very well. I suppose it was a 'people' issue rather than a political one.

Purple - I'm not even overly concerned with the corruption aspect. It happens (and probably still is happening).

It seems to me that political parties in Ireland are all going for the same market. There is no real choice. It's all vanilla. I don't like vanilla, so I'm spoiling my vote.

XXXAnother PersonXXX,
Why not vote for the socialist party of that twat who used to head up Youth Defense?
They aren't vanilla.....
IMOH anything is better than spoiling your vote.
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In some ways I understand the spoilt vote or no vote idea.
They both send messages.
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Put a sign on your door/gate listing the various candidates.
And saying please don't canvass or post political litter.

Each a piece of political litter drops through the letter box, cross off the name of the candidate. Each time they knock on your door to canvass, cross off the name.

If anyone is left without their name crossed off, then vote for them.

If they won't listen to your very simple plea to be left alone, what makes you think they'll listen when you have a problem.

I like the still shocked and awed idea though!

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Why not vote for the socialist party of that twat who used to head up Youth Defense
If you are referring to Justin Barrett, I believe he is standing as an independent - and nothing he touches could even vaguely be described as being socialist.
Who to vote for

As a staunch Fianna Fail supporter, I would expect to vote for them without thinking.
But Punchestown was the last straw for me. I can take no more of their 'politics'. So I thought who'll I vote for now. I was really starting to look at Fine Gael (and there was me slagging my father for all these years about being a blue shirt!!!!). They've got some good young politicians, and are at least making some noises about sorting out the cost of housing issue in this country. But what do they go and do - they announce they'll set up some sort of mental alliance (IMHO) with Labour and the Greens. The thought of either of those latter 2 in power scares me to the bone. So no votes for FG.

Independents are a waste of a vote if you ask me, especially in a general election (unless they are in a position to hold the govt to ransom which is wrong and detracts from the good of the country).
So it looks like the PD's are the only ones left. And I'm not even impressed by them and their constant claiming credit for all that goes right , whilst blaming FF for all that is screwed up.

There is not a great choice in this country I'm afraid.
But I do know 1 thing - I will not be voting for Ivana Bacik, no matter what. I'd emmigrate if she got into any position of power in this country.....
Re: Who to vote for

FG are huge underachievers. Given the quality of some of the people they have. Also given the track record they can point to of some of their past leaders (Fitzgerald and Dukes in particular).

It amazes me that they do so poorly. They remind me of nice guys who's heart is in the right place but who can't get the popular girls to notice them so every now and again they do something stupid to get attention. Like promising to compensate Eircom shareholders, or abolish Stamp Duty.

And the popular girls say... "Yeah, whatever!" ....
And jump on the back of the Fianna Fail Motor Bike and ride
off into the sunset.


If you are referring to Justin Barrett, I believe he is standing as an independent - and nothing he touches could even vaguely be described as being socialist.
I know, I was giving an option at either extreme.

There is not a great choice in this country I'm afraid. But I do know 1 thing - I will not be voting for Ivana Bacik, no matter what. I'd emigrate if she got into any position of power in this country.....
i'm with you there all right. In fact I'm with you on your entire post. It's a case of voting for the least worst option I think. The Labour party stopped being an option when they were taken over by the workers Party (oops! I mean Democratic Left).
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Post containing obscenity deleted.
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Thought that was going to happen.

The expletive was censored - like they do in newspapers. (can people not handle expletives? LOL)
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can people not handle expletives?
Look at it the other way - Can people not express an opinion clearly without expletives?