Judgements? Help Please


Registered User
I recently had a bad credit rating with the ICB, all my own fault. I got into a lot of debt around 7 years ago. Well i got onto the ICB , found out what was on it and cleared the debt, it wasnt a huge amount , a few hundred quid! the bank agreed to clear my icb for me. But i knew i had an unpaid credit card but couldnt remember which bank, and it also didnt show up on the ICB.

So im now with AIB and the recently told me when i was applying for a personal loan that ive an amount of 2500 outstanding on a credit card over 5 years ago, its not on the icb, ive moved house and went travelling and totally forgot. We are now switching lenders but im worried a judgement could be registered against the house.

Firstly, can i still switch lenders with a judgement there, im not selling my house. And can a judgement be taken out against me for a credit card against my home? Im clearing the 2500.

Seriously, bad debt always comes back to haunt you, its thought me a lession, i never miss a repayment ever now, couldnt dream of it. My icb is definately clear, and ive gotten a personal loan with BOS. Just worried about a possible judgement. Would AIB be able to tell me if the put one up?
If no proceedings have been issued and served on you in the house that you own then it is unlikely that you will a judgment registered against you. The bank would have to go to court first.

Is AIB the creditor? I'm actually surprised that whoever is owed hasn't taken you to court, maybe they have an old address for you or something?

If you want to do a judgement search you can probably call into the Four Courts, call law agents like Rochford Brady or go to a solicitor.
but do judgements not show up on a credit check? when do lenders look to see if judgements are registered?
In order to get a judgement- a civil bill is sent to you giving you 21 days to respond, if no response then you will get a court date. If you have moved etc someone can get a subservice against you at your old address. Once judgement is obtained they will prob do a land search on you and then they can apply to get a Judgement mortgage against you. If you like you can PM me and I can check if there is a judgement against you.