Judgement order being obtained....



We have been struggling to pay our VAT for 2005 and paye/prsi 2006. The reason behind this was that we carried out work and were not paid the money, nearly €100K, as you can imagine for a small company only just formed in Jan 06, we struggled to get by and we are still struggling. Our C2 has been stopped this year by the revenue, so C45's are being sent to the Revenue and to the Solicitor that they have appointed and the debt has been reduced by half, however, they do not seem to be interested in the payments as they have ordered us 7 days to pay the outstanding amount.

My question is, is any of the money that we were owed (the companies went into liquidation) can this be written off against any of the money we owe the tax crowd and solicitors?

Any advice would be appreciated.
No they can't be netted against anything. You could go the liquidation route also with your company
have you a tax advisor or accountant who might be able to help so you don't have to liqudate?
Hi TraceyC
Unfortunately you can do no more than raise credit notes for these sales and claim the VAT back (if already declared)

If this does not help with your situation and you feel you cannot pay the debt in full and trade out of it, you should consider liquidating the company yourself. This step should be taken at the earliest stage, from your point of view, as it will minimise the personal loss incurred.

Any debt, as you found to your cost, dies with the liquidation although there are restrictions which a director may face going into the future.

any further questions on liquidations, just ask as i deal with these regularly