Hi ill try to keep this brief. I was let in june 2012 when my contract came to an end. At the same time my childcare arrangements fell through so I wasnt availible to look for full tiime work. As a result I wouldnt have been eligable to claim JSB/JSA.
Fast forward to now and my youngest is starting school in sept and I am able to look for full time work again. I have applied for jobs and was just wondering if I would be able to claim anything while I am looking?
If you are available for work and looking for work then you can apply for Jobseekers.
You may be able to claim Jobseeker's Benefit which is based on your PRSI contributions. If you qualify, you'll be paid a personal rate and may get additional amounts depending on household income.
If you don't qualify for Jobseeker's Benefit, you can apply for Jobseeker's Allowance which is fully means-tested.
Thanks so much for the quick reply. I have proof of all my job applications printed off and the form for JSB filled in so im heading into my local office on Monday.
I was just worried that I had left it so long, over a year since I last worked that they might refuse. But like i mentioned above I wasnt availible for full time work and wasnt going to make a fraudulent claim so I have waited until now to apply.