JSB how long does it last when your claiming 3 days


Registered User
Hi does anyone know how long JSB last for when you are claiming 3 days a week. I rang Social Welfare office and they said that I had only 53 days of the 312 does that mean it will last for 2 years ? Or is it gone after the year ?? Thanks
You get 312 days benefit so count all the days you get JB for! No definite lentgh of time
They said that I had received 53 days so far since February. Will they tell me when it is going to end. Thanks so much for your help
Yep. They'll advise you and ask if you want to claim JA, credits, at about 280 days claimed. You may requalify for JB though as you are building up requalifying contributions through the days you are working. Thes count after 156 days paid on this claim.
Sorry for being stupid but if I have claimed 53 days since february does that mean it will last longer than a year and maybe into 2 years.
If you were full time unemployed, you would be paid for 6 days a week for 52 weeks = 312 days total.
At 3 days a week, this would last 2 years.