JSB Expired so no payment this week


Registered User
Hi, my JSB expired last week. I returned my app for JSA about 6 weeks ago, still haven't heard back. So, I assume my JSB is suspended until my application is completed and therefore, I will have no money this week? In the interim I will have to go to my CWO. I will ring local SW office tomorrow but just wondering about it now. Any advise.
Exactly as you've said - contact your SW local office tomorrow to ask about your Jobseeker's Allowance means test results and, if your household has no income, contact the SWA officer (they're no longer called CWO) about Supplementary Welfare Allowance (which is also means-tested).
I wonder how TD's, Senators would react if they were left without money for a few weeks? You can be sure it would be sorted in double quick time!
I hope you get it sorted out quickly zanub