JSA Means test - Spouse self employed



I hope someone can help me and that the answers aren't posted somewhere else. I have looked but am still unsure. My JSB entitlement is about to run out and I am unsure whether it is worth my while applying for JSA.

My husband is self-employed but takes a set wage from the business and pays income tax and PRSI EE class.

I have 3 children so am I right that the maximum I could be entitled to is E285.40 or does my husband count as a Qualifying adult even though he works?

Do I take the 60% of his weekly earnings or is it the full amount because he is self-employed?

His wage nett of PRSI and taking the E60 off, then 60% it works out a few cents over the E285.40 so if I can't include my husband as a QA or the 60% calculation, it really isn't worth my while even trying.

Thanks for any help.
Did you read the keypost, especially the measn test link? Also, even if you don't qualify for JA, you should continue top sign to get credited contributions.