Joyrider ?? What do I do ?


Registered User
Looking for some advice.
Out gardening over weekend. Observed neighbour's son take his father's car out for a drive, unaccompanied on 3 seperate occasions.My partner has also observed him take out the mother's car. This boy looks no more than 15 or 16!! He had no "L" plates up & was unaccompanied. He doesn't look old enough to have a full license or even provisional. Drove without lights on, it was dusk,the street light were on & he clipped a few curbs on parking the car. As he has now taken out the mother's & father's car out onto the road, am assuming they are aware of his driving.

Am very concerned that he might hit a child or damage a car. How would I find out if he has a license or is even insured to be driving ?

Nervous about approaching family. They are a new family to estate & non Irish. Colleagues in work think they might not be familiar with the Irish rules of the road & might take it as a racist approach if I knock on the door. what do I do? Should i talk to the guards & ask them to have a word??
The Gardaí should be able to help you out. There's no reason why you should have to jeopardise your own safety in order to have the law enforced.
If the law is bring broken (by the sounds of it - it has been) then it is then a Garda matter. Having not seen the incident, they can easily question the family on the basis they received confidential information.

This should be enough to put the offending person(s) into place.
What will the Gardai do?

Hopefully arrest/caution/charge (etc) him for driving without licence or insurance if he has neither?
This young man (whether he has insurance/licence or not) sounds like a menace and you have observed him breaking the highway code. Put your scruples aside and share your concerns with the local police. Ask for confidentiality in respect to your proximity as a neighbour. Better to take this action than let it go on until someone is badly injured or killed. In these circumstances it would be racist NOT to bring it to the attention of the gardai!!!
even if he is 17 he is still a manace driving like that and it might be worse if you didnt do something as no one would want anybody getting hurt.
If you don't do something you are been racist -- to your neighbours. What happens if he GFB knocked down a child and seriously injured him / her. Talk about withholding info.

So far you think he possibly has no licence, no Insurance, driving dangerously, no lights, and erratic driving.

Get real -- down to the Cop shop ASAP before its too late.
Jeez where did I wake up this morning? What happened to the good aul Rules of the Road & the Garda Station!

Yeah Ninsaga...not to be seen as racist or anything but the posts you quoted must have been written by 'non-nationals'!
AFAIK, if it's a private estate then public laws of the road don't apply, mad i know! If the council look after the roads where you live then call the law.
Public rules of the road DO apply to a private road/estate if it's one "to which the public have access" which would cover most private estates/apartment complexes around so I wouldn't worry on that score.
And I suppose that Joy Riders and young fellas who want to drive keep to Private Roads. Not on your nelly.

Bit of a misleading thread title. Sure, what he is doing is wrong and against the law but is he flying up and down the road then pulling handbrake turns and off again? If as I suspect he is not, then I would advise you go and speak nicely with his parents. Chances are they, like most (in fairness) non-Irish families who are new to this country, will appreciate the quiet word-in-the-ear....before he gets pulled in by the Gardai.
You could phone the police station and ask their advice without even mentioning where you live. If they say they believe they should get involved then give them the address.

A child was killed on my road years ago, tragic accident of parent reversing. It can happen so easily. If I thought someone on the road was driving illegally now, I would be on to my local police station as fast as I possibly could.
Gebbel - my youth is not quite at hand brake turns as he is still clipping curbs.

Thanks all for advise, called into local garda station last night. met a sypathetic garda who said he would have a quiet chat with parents. Hopefully it will do the trick
Glad that they'll at least check it out - at school some years ago, there was a fashion for joyriding in parents' cars while they were out.

Famously there was one v.clever guy (who was also a complete wXXker) with no licence who rolled his mother's jeep and injured a couple of his passengers - it was all hushed up tho the car was damaged and there were a couple of students missing from class for a day or two.

I understand the the Guards will respond to complaints made to the helpline - 1890 205805 - you'll be asked for the reg no and the description of the car as well as where it is or where it's travelling to should you see erratic driving or suspect that the driver might have been drinking.