Joint Ownership / Co ownership contracts


Registered User
Myself and my partner are buying a house together. We have a choice of 2 contracts to sign...
1) if either of us die, the house goes to the other
2) if either of us die, the house goes to our next-of-kin unless otherwise stated in a will

I want the house to go to my partner if i die (we have no children), so should i pick option 1?, or pick option 2 and write a will?

Is there any particular reason to chose one over the other?
always think of the worst-case scenario. You break up as a couple very acrimoniously and are killed in a car crash 2 weeks later. Do you want your ex to get the house? (Sorry for the gory example, but these things happen. I'm also assuming you're not in a marital relationship. or do i mean martial? :D)