Joint Mortgage question


Registered User

Myself and my girlfriend and wanting to get a house together.

I work full time and earn €34k with the possibility of 20% bonus during the year, Normally I'll get 12-14%

She is on disability payments, She wants to find work but with her disability it's hard. Basically she could work 2-3 hours per day max. ( She has brittle bones )

From disability payments she gets about 10k per year ( roughly )

Am i right in saying that I can only apply for a mortgage on my own ?... as she is not working ?

Or would they take her income into consideration.

And finally, If it's on my wages they look at what is a realistic expectation of a mortgage for 20 years / 25 year / 30 years

thank you.
Too many othe factors to consider before anyone could answer that for you. Any existing loans, credit cards, etc. Have you good savings history? Deposit?
Take it as i've no outstanding loans. No credit cards

Last time i checked my credit rating it was over 700-750 i've the paper work at home.. ( Checked with ICB )

As for savings I've only being saving about 600 / month for the last 6 months. See over the last 8 years i've been paying off a loan of near 500 per month.. which i never missed a payment of.

By the time I will be wanting to buy this house I hope to have about 15000 - 17000 saved.

The main question here was about being able to get a joint mortgage with my girlfriend as she is on disability.
No, it is highly unlikely any lender will take her income into account.
thats what i thought.

I can still get about 150k on my own.. which would be more then enough.

thanks for the replies.
On 34k with a car loan and credit card, I would think you are being optimistic. But you know this as you already asked that question a while back.
On 34k with a car loan and credit card, I would think you are being optimistic. But you know this as you already asked that question a while back.

As i said this question was not about that.. it was about my girlfriend and a joint app.

Also I did state
Take it as i've no outstanding loans. No credit cards

As by the time I'll be applying I will have no debt.