Joint bank accounts one party dies


Registered User
Is there any information leaflet setting out steps to be taken by the suriviving spouse in these stressful situations. I have in mind where the parties had a joint account in credit , online banking facility, direct debits and standing orders, ATM cards and cheque book. I know in years gone by some banks would in effect just delete the deceased name and allow accounts continue with same numbers etc. Nowadays if informed of the death i think banks would require the survivor open a new account with all the resultant hassle.
Well, the first thing is not to do anything stressful until the survivor feels up to it. So they should keep using the accounts and in a few months notify the banking institution. And deal with whatever needs doing then.

Thanks mf1 for this helpful practical advice. I knew of a situation where the bank was informed and the next day when the surviv ing party went to use an ATM she was refused. I am not blaming the bank.
Not sure who you bank with but this might help you get started -

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