Joint Accounts


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Hi , If a bank account is held as a joint account (husband and wife) with withdrawal by "any one holder". can one party change this to "all holders to sign" without the written permission of the other
If you want the a/c to change to one where both have to sign you would have to sign a new mandate.

Both had to sign for it to be "Repayable to Either " & likewise both would have to sign to make it neccessary for both to sign.

You also cannot have ATM/Laser cards on an a/c unless it's Repayable to Either.
Hi Perplexed, Many thanks for your reply . The account is a deposit account with 7day notice . Does this alter anything
In BOI -where I work - it wouldn't anyway.
All a/c's have mandates, which you sign when opening, as to whether you want both to sign or not.
We then have to follow those instructions as these are the terms that YOU BOTH have dictated for the a/c. That's why it takes the two of you to change it. I'm pretty certain that all banks would be the same.
Sounds like you need to have a frank conversation with the other person on your joint account!
Or take all the money out, as you are entitled to, and then talk about opening a new account with a double signature!
Sounds like you need to have a frank conversation with the other person on your joint account!

I was a bold boy, sneaked off and bought a car .You should have seen her face!. Said I was sorry and would'nt do it again. What a fine mess ,Stanley.
Jeez. Sounds like grounds for divorce!! And I thought I was bad spending 150 euros on shoes!!
Sounds like you shouldn't have ANY access at all

Hi jpd, Glad you said "sounds like" as you would not know the background to the saga. We had agreed to buy a car for her anyway . It would appear from the terms and conditions of this particular bank that if there is a dispute ,then the account is frozen until both parties come to an agreement.
She does'nt like the colour and does'nt know what she wants. Women?

Hold on a minute...are you sure you didn't just decide that you knew what she should get, rather than giving her time to decide what she wanted? It seems to me that you took the decision upon yourself and attempted to use the joint account without consultation?? If you'd saved independently to buy her this gift as a surprise, then I'm sure she'd have been delighted and very gracious about the colour. However, as she's expected to fork out for it, I think the least she could expect would be to choose her own car!!
Hold on a minute...are you sure you didn't just decide that you knew what she should get, rather than giving her time to decide what she wanted

Liteweight, hold your horses, The facts are 1 The other half (better or not,I dont know) thought about changing car, choose one ,paid deposit and following day thought ,maybe a higher spec might be better, went off for a week to relations. Fact 2, I decided to trade in my own and being a man of action or maybe rash, I changed car while waiting for her to make up her mind. Fact 3 Yes , I did not consult her and thats why I was in trouble. On reflection ,jpd is probably right
Sounds like you shouldn't have ANY access at all
never choose the colour of your partners car. I found out the hard way when I thought she would like the colour of her new car she was buying a few yrs back. When it arrived, she said "NO %%%%%%% WAY". Luckily enough they were in big demand and the garage said no problem and she got what she wanted a few weeks later.