Joining Facebook: it said that my email address was already entered!


Registered User
I am completely ignorant of the workings of Facebook but for one reason or another i attempted to join. In the past i must have done this also because it said that my email address was already do i proceed in this situation. will it require my photo because if it does i am snookered as this is way beyond me!
Is there no "forgot password" option where it will email you the password you supplied initially?

Failing that if you have more than one email address you could sign up with a different one.

It won't request a photo of you for verification anyway.
Sign up with another e-mail address and then it will ask you to active the account by clicking the link it sent you in e-mail. Then you will have got a new facebook account!

If you are already registered its a simple matter of remembering the password.

You may not have done this though - a family member may have done so and you should check with them about it.

If it was you, simply try to sign in using the e-mail address in question and supply alternative passwords based on your usual set of passwords.

If you're a creature of habit (the weakness that allows accounts to be hacked) it maybe one of the top ten favourites.


  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. qwerty
  4. abc123
  5. letmein
  6. monkey
  7. myspace1
  8. password1
  9. link182
  10. (your first name)
Failing this, take fionasara's advice.