John Terry -what is wrong with sleeping with someone's ex?


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Apart from commiting adultry and hurting his wife (who is well used to and has accepted all previous adultry) what is wrong with John Terry sleeping with another colleagues ex girlfriend. If it's an ex what's the problem?
She wasn't an ex at the time AFAIK

Her and Wayne Bridge were still attempting to conduct a long-distance relationship with him in Manchester and her in London.

John Terry was telling Bridge that he was lending her a shoulder to cry on.

It's not really the done thing anyway.
I wouldn't think anyone gets used to adultry, if anything it must get harder knowing that someone will not change.
It does make you wonder if these footballers' wives have any self-dignity at all.

They just seem to put up with these indiscretions time and time again without ever actually leaving the player, even those who have their own money/career.

eg - Cheryl Cole, Victoria Beckham

It's not like they will be left broke if they divorce the player.
As Terry is a better player than Bridge, it looks like Bridge wont be going to the World Cup.
getting her up the damien and to have an abortion was all a bit Eastenders as well wunnit?

Hardly the moral fibre of a man to lead, even in ... <anticipatory cringe>.. "the trenches". They should both play (if good enough), but I think Terry should step down as captain, or failing that be stood down.

Might have been more in his line to practice a few penalties .......
Her and Wayne Bridge were still attempting to conduct a long-distance relationship with him in Manchester and her in London.


So is the real problem that she outwitted them both?
Capello has highlighted the importance of team spirit. He stopped the cliques that were present under past managers. I can't see how he can leave Terry as captain and not upset that.

Also, there is a chance, although slim, that Bridge will go to the WC as cover for Cashley. No wonder Capello doesn't want the WAGS around this time...

There are plenty of footballers wives, we just hear about a handful of them. It's not a predictament that is exclusive to footballers spouses.
Are we living in Ireland or just another corner of the UK? The main headline on Irish sports shows is about the alleged activities of the English football captain! People on here discussing the same! What analysis of Jordan's wedding nuptials?

It's an international story about a high profile footballer. No different to Alex Rodriguez or Tiger Woods.
I think the Tiger Woods story was a little bit more understandable as he is the no 1 golfer in the world. This story is more of an english story and by reporting on it, the Irish media treat us as though we are a suburb of London. Its like when the radio stations have as their main headline "and Wigan were knocked out of the FA Cup by Notts County". Surely there are a few Irish sports stories which merit a mention ahead of these Premiership / FA Cup stories?
and by reporting on it, the Irish media treat us as though we are a suburb of London.

Wouldnt it be worse if things went the way of Dublin radio stations - "Earthquake in Columbia - Dubliners fear rise in coffee prices" - i.e. trying to link every story to your target market even if it misses the real story. I remember a real case where it was about a taxi driver strike in Malaga or somewhere, but we were gravely told that Dubliners were affected. A) Why Dubliners above anyone else? & B) must have been a slow week if that was news.

Anyone for another Cork Hurlers' strike?
Anyone for another Cork Hurlers' strike?

They could have made a series out of that!
This story is more of an english story and by reporting on it, the Irish media treat us as though we are a suburb of London.

I understand where you are coming from but I really think this story is far greater than you think. The New York Times has covered it in two separate articles on two different days. It was covered extensively on the phone-in show on Fox Sports on Monday night. So, my point is that even the Americans have run with it!!!

I believe that it is different to Woods in that his alleged infidelity surrounded activities outside a sport played by individuals. Terry's alleged actions go right to the heart of any team sport. Where you are asking guys to be lead by a charcter such as Terry, are they going to sit there and wonder "would he if my back was turned?"

Also, it is one more nail in the coffin of Terry after an incident in a nightclub (2002), alleged drunken mocking of American tourists on September 11th (2001) ( )alleged £10K for tours of Chelsea's grounds (2009) and allegedly parking in a disabled parking space (2008).