John Hume (RIP)

Great man, feels like we lost him a good few years back, we could really use someone like him at the moment. Do yis remember the time there was talk of him running for President? Not sure had health caught up with him by then, but I've a feeling if he ran he'd a) definitely have been President and b) might even have been unopposed.

I think I recall reading that he didn't go to the march on Bloody Sunday and wanted it called off, as he'd sensed a dangerous change in Army tactics from the previous march at Magilligan (this was also just after Ballymurphy where the Paras were murdering with impunity). Moments that change history.....

His big legacy is the GFA, which reads like a manifesto of his, its currency may be faltering a bit but that is purely down to the current .....errr... custodians of it.
A different class to the numpties on both sides who are up there now. What would he have made of Brexit, Cash for ash and provo funerals getting "special" treatment?