Joe Brolly kidney transplant


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Don't know how many of you have being following this story, but Joe Brolly, former Derry footballer, GAA pundit and barrister donated one of his kidneys to a friend who needed a new kidney. The operation took place in London earlier this month.

However the kidney, which initially worked, has now failed and was removed last friday.

Just wondering what people think of this gesture. Incredibly generous or a little foolish?

And would you do the same for a friend?

I think it was a very generous gesture on his behalf, but could not imagine myself doing likewise!
a very brave move by Brolly, but I don't think I could do it myself unless it was a close family member for example.
His friend already had 2 kidney transplants fail before this....odds were poor
Never liked Joe as a pundit but fair play to the man. Not many would risk their own health to help a friend in distress.
Would I do it? I have a few friends but if I was truely honest there is probably only one that I would do it for.
On TV Joe would get on my wick with some of his comments but what he did was something special. Sadly heard this morning that the donor organ is no longer functioning.
a very brave move by Brolly, but I don't think I could do it myself unless it was a close family member for example.
His friend already had 2 kidney transplants fail before this....odds were poor
Very very brave, I am not sure that I could do that for a friend. Sad that it seems to have been in vain.