Jobseekers payment amount Question


Registered User

I am currently working a number of hours over 3 days in job for 10 years plus. Have 3 kids , one over 12, husband works. I am half looking for other work but would like something start time 9.30ish due to school start and perhaps a day or two off as used to that now. The last 4 years I’ve found being in my job wearing on me, and going nowhere but it is a routine job that suited me with the kids but have had some personal things that I feel I need to breath. Job hasn’t much social interaction for me either as in work group that I see friends have in other places. If I do give it up with no other job to go too, what entitlement would I get, based on have worked most my life, would it be based on husbands wages at all?
You should qualify for Jobseekers benefit with your prsi payment record.
This is not means tested so your husband's income has no bearing on what you will receive. The amount you will get will depend on how much class A earnings you have in your governing year. This is two years before your jobseekers claim year. The payment amounts are on citizens advice website. Google Jobseekers Benefit.

You would get Jobseekers Benefit for 9 months. After this you would have to apply for Jobseekers Allowance. This is means tested and your husband's income and both of your savings would be included in the means test.
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I would have years of contributions. Would I get any money for 3 children even though husband employed as I see on website it has rates for dependent children?
Jobseeker's Benefit payments are assessed on PRSI contributions only. Unlike Jobseeker's Assistance there is no means test. So if you qualify for JB then you should get the child payments regardless of your husband's income.
While there is no means test for your Jobseekers Benefit, there will be a means test for qualified children.

I think both your and your husband's earnings and investments will be means tested.

You can apply for the qualified children increase.

If your means are to high you won't get it.

You have nothing to lose in trying.
While there is no means test for your Jobseekers Benefit, there will be a means test for qualified children.

I think both your and your husband's earnings and investments will be means tested.
Sorry, I didn't realise that and see the qualification criteria here now.