Jobseekers Benefit Query


Registered User
Hi All,
I know that if you're claiming JB, you can work casually and have these days disregarded for JB payment purposes. What is the situation if you get offered an annual 'retainer' by a company for doing routine maintenance work and/or providing assistance in the event of a problem on site? The routine work would only involve 2-3 hours of work per week, usually on a Monday, though this work could also be broken up across the 5 week days, typically taking approx. 30 minutes per day. My questions are:
1. How is this viewed for JB purposes? Are you regarded as being in full-time employment or can you just not claim JB for the Monday when the work was done?
2. Do you become "self-employed" and ineligible for JB?
3. Do you have to pay PRSI?
Many Thanks for any comments.....
Hi Ann,
Thanks for the reply.
The link states: "Jobseeker's Benefit is only payable in respect of days of unemployment. It follows that JB is not payable in respect of any day during which the person is engaged in insurable employment or self-employment - irrespective of the extent of the employment (number of hours worked) or the remuneration or profit."
This obviously means that even if you work for only 10 minutes on a given day that the entire day is disallowed. I partly guessed that might have been the case.
The reference to self-employment is interesting. I don't understand it fully but does it mean that if you earn more than a specific sum in a year then you have to pay PRSI Class S on earnings? In this case, what happens to the credits which you would have received on JB? Thanks.....
Hi Omega
I am by no means an expert on PRSI or Social Welfare Benefits. I say that with a little embarrassment as like most other Irish people I have never studied the system in the way that I should have.
To answer your question about credits you have received on JB...they will remain on your credit history for the future.....i.e. your state contributors pension and other benefits. Your class S contribution will not cover you for Jobseekers Benefit in the future.
My understanding is if you earn more than €3174 per year doing the maintenance job you will then have to pay PRSI at class S. You can claim Jobseekers Benefit for the days you are not in paid employment (provided it is 3 days or more) and still pay Class S PRSI.