As JSB is due to finish soon is there any point in this couple applying for job seekers allowance based on the following:
Husband /wife about 60 years old. The husband now claiming JSB and wife not working.
They own (no mortgage) a second house approx value. €220K (unoccupied)
They have about €65K savings.
Husband gets € 1050 per month pension.
One daughter still lives with parents and pays her own keep.
That's it... if they did pass means test approx what would they get.
As his JSB lasts for nine months and he is not entitled to JSA is there anything else he can claim.
It seems you have to be claiming some type of payment for over a year to be able to get on a CE Scheme but as JSB lasts nine months that's a bit of a problem.
As his JSB lasts for nine months and he is not entitled to JSA is there anything else he can claim.
It seems you have to be claiming some type of payment for over a year to be able to get on a CE Scheme but as JSB lasts nine months that's a bit of a problem.
He could apply to sign for credits which is v.i.p to keep his entitlement to a state pension later up to date.
To qualify would have to be available for and genuinely seeking work.
For C.E. you have to be 12 months unemployed, and in receipt of job seekers payment.
Please note that eligibility to participate on the Community Employment programme is linked to those in receipt of an Irish social welfare payment (where specified).
Those persons not meeting the criteria under the Part-time Integration or Part-time Job Options, or who are signing for credits, or are receiving social welfare benefits from a different country, are not eligible to participate on Community Employment.
The second house is in need of a lot of repair in order to get an income. They would have to spend a lot of their savings and are nervous of doing that.