Jobseekers benefit and then part-time work.



Read an awful lot on threads which sug
gest that there is little protection for the self employed in respect of social welfare. My understanding is that, at the moment, if someone is self employed and later out of work they get half the jobseekers benefit rate.
Anyhow, take a hypothetical situation where someone works for roughly nine months of the year in two organisations where both deduct PRSI at source, when the work ends for three months are they able to claim jobseekers benefit at the full rate during the weeks/days off? I am a newcomer to teaching and curious as to what do other teachers do during the ‘down’ time, I’ve checked out the social welfare links but it looks complicated, and anecdotally I’ve heard of people in similar positions in other careers who have worked as self employed, tried to ‘better themselves’ and found that there was little or no help. Could do with a few pointers. Thanks.
Your post is confusing. Are you self-employed or a PAYE employee? what are youa sking in regard to S/E?
To answer your hypothetical query;
Teachers who are not on permanent contracts sign on for JB for periods where they are not paid by the Dept of Education (i.e. Summer, Easter, Xmas, Halloween)