JobSeekers Backpayments


Registered User
Hi All
Can anyone tell me how long do you have to wait for JSB Bakpayments. My claim finally came through on the 29th March after waiting nearly 14 weeks for claim (they lost it in the office). I am only getting my weekly payment but am owed from the start of the year... the letter that i got said that any arrears will follow shortly but how long is that! Have loads of bills that need to be paid :-(
Depends on pressure of claims in individual offices. It sounds like the one youa e dealing with is under pressure!
What is the average waiting time so...they had lost my claim or misplaced it as they said so would have prob been waiting a lot less.... was told by a few people its takes about a month but should have it by then..I now waiting 5 weeks is it worth my time going into them
OF COURSE IT IS, Its your monies due to you and you've bills to pay, no harm in going in and finding out whats happening..